k1 and i headed to harby's pizza just off broadway this past tuesday.
it has been a while since i have traversed broadway much less during afternoon rush hour. driving in knoxville is already maddening most of the time. add in construction, and you seriously consider real estate in middle of nevada.
however, the place was cozy, filled with album covers on the walls from music of the sixties and seventies. this pizza joint has some style. (i haven't investigated the history, but i'm sure there is a story behind it.)
we both ended up with ten inch pizzas. the pizza was quite good. k1 even commented she liked a crispy pizza (i believe in reference to the crust). i ended up eating all of mine. no leftovers!
i definitely would recommend this place, but find a time when the traffic won't make you mad. then you can casually enjoy the place for what it is.
oh, all the prices included sales tax!